Parish Ministries & Groups

Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the priest/celebrant at liturgical celebrations. They are an integral part of these celebrations and their presence allows the celebrant and the congregation to concentrate and participate more fully in the music, prayers, proclamation of the scripture and the most beautiful Eucharist.
Contact: Pearl Clarke & Sandra Adams

Baptism Prep
Contact: Sandra Adams

Bereavement Ministry
The Bereavement Ministry is dedicated to responding to and alleviating sorrow, and strengthening those who are experiencing or have experienced either grief or loss in their lives. Our primary purpose is to succor, encourage and council those who need our help. We work patiently with all those who need our services, and are available for follow-up sessions. Our members are all volunteers who use their talents and dedication in serving the members of our faith community. 
Contact: Azalee Williams & Mary Bernadette John

Evangelization Ministry
English Evangelization: Contact: Sandra Adams             
Hispanic Evangelization: Contact: Nicolas Collado               
Creole Evangelization: Contact: TBD    

Festival Committee
Contact: TBD

Contact: Esperanza Muniz & Sandra Adams

Hospitality Ministry
Contact: Sharon Carter

Lectors and Ministers of Holy Communion
Contact: Elizabeth Greene      

Music Ministry/Choirs Our Ministry seeks to enable the full, conscious and active participation of the assembly in the liturgical celebrations of our parish by the use of prayerful music. We use our voices, hearts and instruments to help foster and cultivate each person’s relationship with God, for the glorification of God.

The English Choir Meets Tuesday 7:00pm in the Parish Center Contact: Pierre Romain & Keturah Pierre
Creole Speaking Choir Contact Pierre Romain 
Hispanic Choir Contact: Minerva Carney 
Junior Choir (English) Contact: Keturah Pierre

Parish Prayer Groups
The various prayer groups honor God through praise, worship, scripture-reading and sharing. The vision is to evangelize and deepen our Catholic faith through Healing Masses, Life in the Spirit Seminars, Retreats, Workshops and Pilgrimages. 

Breaking the Word Prayer Group
Meets Monday’s at 6:30pm in the Chapel These are Parishioners who come together to strengthen their faith through discussion of the Word (Bible), prayer, praise and personal testimonies of their encounter with Jesus.
Contact: Lorraine Pierre

St. Francis of Assisi-St. Blaise Charismatic English Prayer Group started May 1988, under the leadership of Mrs. Josephine Cachia, the Bishop's Liaison for the Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Brooklyn, and with the spiritual direction of the late Reverend Omer St. Onge, S.M., Parochial Vicar of St. Francis of Assisi-St. Blaise. 
The group meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m., in the Parish Center Hall. The purpose of meeting is twofold: 1) to praise, worship and honor God. 2) To build up the Body of Christ as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Contact: Sybil Millet

 Hispanic Prayer Group
Meets Monday’s at 7:00pm in the church.
Contact: Nicolas Collado

 Haitian Prayer Group
Meets Thursday’s at 7:00pm in the Chapel.
Contact: Oliane Jean-Gilles 

 New Life in Christ Prayer Group
Meets Saturday’s at 7:00pm in the Parish Center. C
Contact: Paule Clausene & Mary Sigue 

Peace and Justice Ministry
The Peace and Justice Committee provides Catholic based alternatives and resolutions to social and quality of life issues facing the parish community. The specific focus is to address the needs of those who are marginalized.
Contact: Joan Tropnas

Safe Environment Ministry: Virtus
The purpose of this Ministry is to protect God’s children in accordance with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the protection of Children and Young People, established in 2002. We do this by implementing and keeping track of the Diocesan Mandate for all parish employees, and any person in the parish who volunteers with children and young people, or who has contact with them.
Contact: Winnie James

Senior Group
The Senior Group of St. Francis of Assisi-St. Blaise is a group of faith-filled adults in their Golden Years. The group was organized to facilitate the spiritual, social, physical, emotional and creative well-being of the individual in a relaxed and non-threatening environment. The group strives to collaborate and assist in fulfilling the Parish Mission.
Meeting: Monday:  9:30 am – 1:00 pm – Parish Center C
Contact: Edwina McKay

A primary duty of ushers is to meet and greet parishioners and visitors as they enter the church. They are responsible for distribution of hymn books and other materials, arranging the offertory procession, taking up the collection and providing information for parishioners. Ushers maintain order and take care of any emergencies that may occur during services in the church.
Contact: Steve Ogilvie


Contact: Richard Harris

Youth Basketball Contact: Richard Harris

Youth Ministry
The goal of the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Youth Group is to encourage and nurture in our young people a strong foundation in faith and a commitment to service for the church and community. The group welcomes parish youngsters in grades 9 through 12.
Meetings are in the Parish Center: Friday  6:00 pm – 8:30 pm 
Contact: Marlene Whitty